Murph Workout App

The Murph Workout consists of a one-mile run, one hundred pull-ups, two hundred push-ups, three hundred squats, and another one-mile run. This app guides you through the workout, and you can signup with Google to save your workout times and compete in the monthly leaderboard.


  • React / Next.js
  • Railway / Prisma / MySQL
  • Tailwind CSS / HeadlessUI
  • Next Auth
  • tRPC

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Screenshot of Murph Workout app

Purpose and Goal

I created this project because the Murph workout is one of my favorites. I find this workout very challenging and rewarding. I wanted an easier way to record my completion times and keep track of the number of repetitions I have completed. Previously I would open my notes app and write down all the exercises and the number of repetitions I have performed.


I did not run into any significant problems developing this site. I had created this project before using the MERN stack, so I had a good idea of how it worked.

Lessons Learned

Probably the most fun part of working on this app was the timer. I used a library called luxon to handle the starting and ending times for the three events. The timer UI utilized setInterval and a useEffect to update the time shown to the user.